The 3 Part Series breaks the 1-12 multiplication facts into three easy chunks.
The Multiplication Mastery Bundle is a complete set that covers the 1's - 12's times tables and application of facts learned.
The Times Tales video covers the upper, single-digit facts with printables included.
Times Tales Deluxe includes: Times Tales video, Times Tales (104 page) workbook and the student storybook.
Times BEFORE the Tales workbook introduces the concept of multiplication and practice of the lower facts.
The Times Tales workbook covers the upper single-digit facts with the complete Times Tales® program in print format.
Times AFTER the Tales workbook covers the 11's & 12's facts and introduces 2-digit by 1-digit multiplication.
The Pet Math workbook is a fun way to teach students the costs of owning a pet.
See more of our out-of-the-box, right-brain math products!