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Classroom Editions

Classroom Editions for use in public/school setting and more than 5 students.

Ideal for Large Classrooms

Includes: Times Tales® Video, printables and PowerPoints®.

Ideal for Small Groups

Includes: Times Tales® Video, printables, PowerPoints®, and large instructional storybook. 

Ideal for Small Groups

Includes:  Times Tales® Video, printables, PowerPoints®, 5 workbooks and a large instructional storybook. 

Ideal for Large Classrooms

Includes:  Times Before the Tales workbook, Times Tales® Video, and Times After the Tales workbook. Covers 1-12 facts.

Workbook Packs

Times BEFORE the Tales workbook introduces the concept of multiplication and practice of the lower facts.

This 104 page workbook is the complete Times Tales® program in print format. 

Times AFTER the Tales workbook teaches tricks and mnemonics for 11's and 12's math facts.

See more of our out-of-the-box, right-brain math products!