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Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders

We gladly accept school purchase orders, please submit all purchase orders or questions about ordering to

To process your order correctly, we need the following information on the purchase order form:

  • Itemized list of the products you would like to order.
  • Email address for the invoice.
  • Name, mailing, and billing address of the school (if different).
  • Email address that you would like the digital files sent to.
  • Preference for digital or hard copy products (if applicable).

W-9 Form

Please calculate shipping for purchase orders using the shipping rates below:

$.01 - $12.99 =       $ 4.95 

$13.00 - $29.99 =   $ 8.50

$30.00 - $79.99  =  $ 9.95

$80.00 - $129.99 =$13.95

$130.00 & Up =      $20.00


If you would like to mail in your purchase order, please send to:

Trigger Memory Co.
P.O. Box 361
Pendleton, OR 97801 

If you would like to speak to a Times Tales Customer Representative about a purchase order, please call (541) 969-2754 or email: triggermemory1(AT)