Trick to Getting Your Kids to Clean their Room
A messy room is like asking some kids to climb Mt. Everest. For many kids it’s just too overwhelming and often times they don’t even know where to begin. Here is the trick I learned that makes not only cleaning a messy bedroom an easy task, but is also fun along the way.
The Mini -Bedroom Cleaning Flipbook works children through the process of cleaning a messy room. First, they go around the room and throw everything that is out of place or needs to be put away into one, big messy pile in the middle of the room. What kid doesn’t like to throw things into a big pile. You might think this is counterproductive but it’s not. It starts kids off on making it fun and is the beginning to breaking down the task of cleaning into smaller steps.
Children love this system of cleaning as it makes cleaning their room fun and teaches organizational skills along the way.
See the Zone Cleaning for Kids! comes with a step-by-step instructional video, basket tables, dry-erase marker and laminated instructional chart with each zone for the house. Perfect for the family chore chart!